Using Herons Formula find area of Triangle in C++

In this post we will write a program in C++ to find the area of any triangle using Heron’s Formula.

C++ Program to find area of any triangle using Herons Formula:




using namespace std;

int main()


        float first,second,third;

        float s,area;

        cout<<"Enter size of each sides of triangle"<<endl;

        cout<<"Enter size for First Side = ";


        cout<<"Enter size for Second Side = ";


        cout<<"Enter size for Third Side = ";


        s = (first+second+third)/2;

        area = sqrt(s*(s-first)*(s-second)*(s-third)); // Herons Formula

        cout<<"Area of Triangle= "<<area<<endl;

        return 0;



Enter size of each sides of triangle
Enter size for First Side = 15
Enter size for Second Side = 10
Enter size for Third Side = 8
Area of Triangle= 36.9789

herons formula

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