Java Command Line Arguments

Java Command Line Arguments

On the off chance that any information worth is gone through summon brief at the season of running of system is known as order line contention as a matter of course every charge line contention will be dealt with as string quality and those are put away in string cluster of principle() strategy.

 Syntax for Compile and Run CMD programs

Compile By -> Javac
Run By -> Java  Mainclass value1 value2  value3 ………………..

Example of command-line argument in java

class CommandLineExample
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println("Argument is: "+args[0]);

Compile and Run above programs

Compile By > Javac
Run By > Java  CommandLineExample Porter


Argument is: Porter

Example of command-line argument in java

class SumDemo
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println("Sum: "+args[0]);

Compile and Run above programs

Compile By > Javac
Run By > Java  SumDemo 10 20


Sum: 30

At the point when the above explanation is executing the accompanying arrangement of steps will happen.

  • Class loader sub-framework loads SumDemo alongside Command line argument(10, 20) and in fundamental memory.
  • JVM take the stacked class SumDemo alongside Command line contentions (10, 20) and spot the quantity of qualities in the length variable that is 2.
  • JVM searches for primary() that is JVM will put the Command in the principle() through string class that is.
  • Consequently all the CMD line contentions of java are sending to fundamental() technique accessible as exhibit of object of String class (each CMD are accessible or put away in primary strategy as cluster of object of String class).
  • JVM calls the fundamental() strategy as for stacked class SumDemo that is SumDemo.main().

Accept command line arguments and display their values

class  CMD
public static void main(String k[])
System.out.println("no. of arguments ="+k.length);
for(int i=0;i< k.length;i++)

Note: Except + operator any numeric operation not allowed in command line arguments.

Square of Number by reading value from command prompt.

class squareDemo
int no, result;
void square(String s)
int no=Integer.parseInt(s);
System.out.println("Square: " +result);
class CMD
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println("no of arguments: "+args.length);
squareDemo  obj=new  squareDemo();

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