Some mind blowing facts about Computers

Here I’ve shared some of the mind blowing facts about computers I found over the internet.

1.  Russian scientist Vladimir Lukyanov built a computer ran water, it was the world’s first computer for solving partial differential equationsGardens as Crypto-Water-Computers

Gardens as Crypto-water-computers

2. Konrad Zuse is the inventor of the first programmable computer in the world. He did it in 1936 and named the computer as Z1.  Konrad Zuse

first programmable computer

3. The first bug in a computer was a dead moth found shorting a relay in the Harvard Mark II computer. Computer

first computer bug

4. The first hard drive was created in 1979 and could hold 5MB of data.The History Of The Hard Drive

first hard drive

5.  The first ever registered domain name was for free on 15 March 1985. .

6.  Only 8 percent of the world’s currency exists as physical cash. rest exists only on a computer hard drive, in electronic bank accounts around the world.  Forms of Currency: Electronic – How Currency Works

electronic money

7. The first mobile phone call was made in 1973 by Martin Cooper, a former Motorola inventor. 40 years of the mobile phone: Top 20 facts

first mobile phone

8. A normal human blinks 20 times a minute, whereas, a computer user blinks only 7 times a minute!.

Human eye vs. computer screen (Who is winning?) | CompuType IT Solutions

eye blinks computer

9. Windows doesn’t allow for creation of folders tagged CON, PRN, AUX, or NUL.These are keywords reserved by DOS. Page on

folders not allowed in windows

10. Nomophobia is the fear of being without your mobile phone or losing your signal.


11. The bestselling electrical gadget in history is Nokia 1100.

40 years of the mobile phone: Top 20 facts

nokia 1100

12. The first virus Brain was written in 1986 by the Farooq Alvie brothers. Brain (computer virus)

brain computer virus

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Terms that are only heard in Programming


  1.  Root is the top of tree (I thought leaves were at the top at tree)

    roots upside down

  2.  Declaring constant variable (How can a constant be a variable?) constant variable
  3.  Red parent will have black child only (Red – Black Tree ).
     black white
  4.  Jar – You need java to open this, normal hands won’t do it. jar java
  5.  Recursion in google search.
  6.  Friends have access to private parts (In OOPs). private public
  7.  Two famous personality : Alice & Bob. aliceBob
  8.  ACID is good for database (Acid are very harmful for humans).acid_danger
  9.  Working with Python is good (Python is a dangerous snake).python
  10.  Check Logs (logs have termites and other insects).
  11.  Catch the Exception (and not the ball).
  12.  To Remove Conflict launch WAR signals.
  13.  Kill the child if it’s consuming too much resources.
  14.  Took 1 millisecond to run, that’s too much time.

Shortest and most effective code ever written

most effective code

I know this is kind of funny but I bet every guy who have heard a word about programming language must have gone through this code.

Whatever lprogramming language you go through, any book you read, the very first program you find is this one:

#include <stdio.h>
int main ()
    printf("Hello world!n");

That’s one line, and it’s started a million coders on the path to programming.  That’s pretty effective.

This code was effective without ever being executed. Not because it actually caused transistors to change state, but because it caused neurons to fire.

Why keyboard layout is QWERTY not ABCDEF ?


It hasn’t been done randomly or just for fun, it has a very distinct and purposeful reason behind it.

The current format of the keyboard was devised long back in 1870’s by a gentleman named Christopher Sholes. Though, it definitely was not the first format to come up, it didn’t take much time to switch to this one. Starting with lexicographic order i.e. A-B-C-D-E-F, after various trials and errors and taking hundreds of cases, Christopher Sholes gradually reached the Q-W-E-R-T-Y. It was really well received (evident from the fact that we still use it).

When the typewriter was invented, it used a metal bar to hold the character alphabets and the other end of the bar was attached to a linkage carrying a carriage with the coated ink. When a key was struck, it would emboss its character on the paper placed beneath the carriage. However, when an operator learned to type at a great speed, a certain flaw invoked. When two letters were struck in quick succession, the bars of the typewriter would entangle and get jammed.

Christopher Sholes found a way out. He proposed that the letters of frequently used letter pairs should be in different rows. For example, ‘C-H’, ‘S-T’, ’T-H’, ‘W-H’ and more. He also formulated that to speed up the typing process, there has to be a regular alternation between two hands. So observing thousands of words, he placed the letters in way that most words would make use of both hands.

He also observed that almost every word in the dictionary carries a vowel. According to him, the most frequently used vowel was ‘A’ and the most frequently used letter (non-vowel) was ‘S’. So he placed ‘A’ and ‘S’ together and chose to keep less common letters like ‘Q’, ‘W’, ‘Z’, ‘X’, ‘C’ around these. This was complemented by placing fairly common letters like ‘M’, ‘N’, ‘L’, ‘K’, ‘O’, ‘P’ at right extremes to create a perfect alternation between both the hands.

All these factors tested with thousands of trials gave us the format that we still use and perhaps would be using till eternity.

11 Nerdy Facts About Bill Gates

Some Facts about Bill Gates, The World’s richest man(was):

1.  Bill Gates’ first program was a tic – tac – toe game.


​2. At Harvard he told professors he would be a millionaire by 30.He became a billionaire aged 31.

bill gates at harvard

3. Interestingly enough, Microsoft wasn’t Bill and Paul Allen first venture. They had come together earlier to create Traf-O-Data, a company that made traffic counters built on the Intel 8008 processor.

bill gates paul allen

4. He paid $30.1 million at an auction in 1994 for the Codex Leichester, a collection of writing by Leonardo Da Vinci.

da vinci writings

5. His net worth briefly surpassed $101 billion 1999, causing the media to call “centibilionaire.”

6. On December 9, 2010, Gates, investor Warren Buffett, and Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook’s CEO) signed the “Gates-Buffet Giving Pledge”, in which they promised to donate to charity at least half of their wealth.

bill gtaes warren buffet mark zukerburg

7. Gates pays almost $1 million in property taxes for his home, a magnificent house overlooking Lake Washington that is estimated to be worth $125 million.


8. What does Bill Gates, Julia Roberts, Brad Paisley and Frank Ocean have in common? They all share the same birthday, October 28.

9. Gates wife and children are not allowed to own or use an Apple product. A restriction was also put in place by Steve Balmer for his family.

apple restriction

10. Out of Gates approx.78.5 billion dollars, his children will inherit only 10 million dollars each.

11. If Bill Gates were a country, he would be the 37 th country in terms of wealth.


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Memory Leaks in C++

How to find memory leaks in C++? Memory leaks in C++ are dangerous thing that may lead your application to crash. Imagine your code allocates new blocks of memory again and again. At the some point no more free memory available and the process just crashes. Fortunately C++ comes with destructors that are automatically called … Read more