C++ program to concatenate two Strings using Pointer

In this post we will write a simple C++ program to concatenate two strings using Pointer, the code is self explanatory with comments for better understanding.

Write a C++ program to concatenate two Strings using Pointer:

You can also execute this code on our online compiler.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
    char str1[100], str2[100];
    char * s1 = str1;
    char * s2 = str2;
    // Inputting 2 strings from user
    cout<<"Enter 1st string: ";
    cout<<"Enter 2nd string: ";
    // Moving till the end of str1
    // Coping str2 to str1
    while(*(s1++) = *(s2++));
    cout<<"Concatenated string:"<<str1;
    return 0;



Enter 1st string: Hello
Enter 2nd string: Proprogramming
Concatenated string: HelloProprogramming

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