Matrix Inversion Questions and Answers – Jacobi’s Iteration Method

This set of Numerical Methods Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Jacobi’s Iteration Method”.

1. The Jacobi’s method is a method of solving a matrix equation on a matrix that has no zeroes along ________
a) Leading diagonal
b) Last column
c) Last row
d) Non-leading diagonal


2. The Jacobi iteration converges, if A is strictly dominant.
a) True
b) False


3. In Jacobi’s Method, the rate of convergence is quite ______ compared with other methods.
a) Slow
b) Fast


4. Which of the following is an assumption of Jacobi’s method?
a) The coefficient matrix has no zeros on its main diagonal
b) The rate of convergence is quite slow compared with other methods
c) Iteration involved in Jacobi’s method converges
d) The coefficient matrix has zeroes on its main diagonal


5. How many assumptions are there in Jacobi’s method?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5


6. The Jacobi’s method is a method of solving a matrix equation on a matrix that has no zeros along its main diagonal.
a) True
b) False


7. Which of the following is another name for Jacobi’s method?
a) Displacement method
b) Simultaneous displacement method
c) Simultaneous method
d) Diagonal method


8. Solve the system of equations by Jacobi’s iteration method.

20x + y – 2z = 17
3x + 20y – z = -18
2x – 3y + 20z = 25

a) x = 1, y = -1, z = 1
b) x = 2, y = 1, z = 0
c) x = 2, y = 1, z = 0
d) x = 1, y = 2, z = 1


9. Solve the system of equations by Jacobi’s iteration method.

10x = y – x = 11.19
x + 10y + z = 28.08
-x + y + 10z = 35.61

correct to two decimal places.
a) x = 1.00, y = 2.95, z = 3.85
b) x = 1.96, y = 2.63, z = 3.99
c) x = 1.58, y = 2.70, z = 3.00
d) x = 1.23, y = 2.34, z = 3.45


10. Solve the system of equations by Jacobi’s iteration method.

10a - 2b - c - d = 3
- 2a + 10b - c - d = 15
- a - b + 10c - 2d = 27
- a - b - 2c + 10d = -9

a) a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, d = 0
b) a = 2, b = 1, c = 9, d = 5
c) a = 2, b = 2, c = 9, d = 0
d) a = 1, b = 1, c = 3, d = 5

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