Projects in C++: List of College level projects

If you are looking for a simple and easy projects in C++ programming language for your school or college level competitions then you have come to the right place. Here I have shared some of the basic level projects which you can modify as per your requirements.

Note: You can now execute these codes on our online compiler.

List of Available Projects in C++ :

1.Bank Management System

If you are looking for small school or college level project, this Bank Management System projects in C++ can be a good start. This is a simple project where you can implement a banking system which has following features:

  • Account management: Create and Delete accounts.
  • Deposit amount.
  • Withdraw amount.
  • Balance enquiry.
  • Modify existing accounts.
  • List all accounts.


bank management Project in C++

2. Tetris Game in C++:

You must have played the Tetris game when you were child, let’s implement it now in C++ language.
tetris game

3.Simulation of Ethernet in C++:

This Simulation of Ethernet C Project is to simulate the Ethernet model explained in the class room. In this project, I was able to implement the interaction of Station-Process (SP) with the Communication Bus Process (CBP) through Socket programming. The SP is developed in C and the CBP is developed in C++. TCP is the transport protocol implemented for this project. In this project, when both SP and CBP are activated, any file sent on Station Process will be displayed on CBP.

4.Snake and Ladder:

Let’s implement one of our favorite game in C++, we all were great fan of Snake and Ladder:
snake and ladder projects in C++

5. Taj Mahal in C++:

Ever wondered how can you create Taj Mahal, let’s do this together in C++

taj mahal c++


6. Super Market Billing system:

This mini project is written in C++ where you find mainly two classes one class item another class amount and class amount is inheritance form class item.It is simple console application without graphics. From this project you learn file handling in c++ and use of stream class.And main defect of this program is that goto label  is used to jump form one menu to another menu and separate function for editing  and deleting items are not used.So,if you want to make it your school project or college mini project then modify it ,make separate function for editing and deleting and also try to use while loop instead of goto label .Any suggestion and help for this project is appreciated.

7.Hangman Game in C++:


hangman projects in c++

8.Bouncing balls animation:

bouncing ball project

9. Casino Game in C++:

casino game c++

10.Console Shooting Game in C++:

console shooting game projects in c++


11. Student Management System

Comment below in case you want to discuss about more projects in C++ programming language.

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