Java StringBuffer setLength Example



Java StringBuffer setLength Example

This example shows how to set length of StringBuffer using setLength method

of StringBuffer class in Java.



public class JavaStringBufferSetLengthExample {

public static void main(String[] args) {

//create StringBuffer object

StringBuffer sbf = new StringBuffer(“StringBuffer setLength method example”);


* To set length of StringBuffer, use

* void setLength(int newLength) method of

* StringBuffer class.


* If newLegth is less than the original length, contents of

* StringBuffer would be truncated.


* If newLength is grater than the original length, StringBuffer

* would be filled with null characters (‘u0000’).



System.out.println(“StringBuffer contents: “ + sbf);



* To delete or clear contents of StringBuffer,

* set length of StringBuffer to 0.



System.out.println(“StringBuffer contents deleted:” + sbf);





Output of Java StringBuffer setLength example would be

StringBuffer contents: StringBuffer

StringBuffer contents deleted:



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